Already a part of the Sav-Rx family? Welcome back!

Let’s get to work,
in your best interest

Transforming medication benefit management to benefit your members and health plans requires continued collaboration. Our team of expert professionals are here to help you make a seamless transition from your current PBM, without disrupting access to your workers and their families.

See how we can work together with you, at each step:

  • Set up a meeting
  • Assess your current plan
  • Create a plan that’s right for you
  • Review and revise as your needs evolve

    Connect with our Sales Team

    Would you like to hear from a member of our sales team?

    Please provide your information below and a representative will reach out to you shortly

    I'm looking to make a change and am in search of a healthcare partner with a focus on the following key priorities:

    For inquiries, please contact Sav-Rx at 877-728-7910. You may also contact us at and we will be in touch with you soon!

    Thank you for your response.
    We will contact you soon.

    Get ready to flip the script in your best interest!

    Sav-Rx Logo

    Benefits Questions: 402-753-2800
    Refill Information: 402-753-2850
    Helpdesk for Pharmacies: 402-753-2830
    Medicare Retiree Wrap: 402-753-2869


    Prescription Fax: (402) 753-2890
    Prior Auth Fax: (888) 810-1394


    Sav-Rx Prescription Services
    224 North Park Avenue
    Fremont, NE 68025