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Direct Reimbursement Request

Unable to use your Sav-Rx card at the time of purchase? Direct reimbursement requests can now be submitted electronically

Direct Reimbursement Process

  • Pay out-of-pocket at Pharmacy
  • Fill out the form on this screen. Remember to attach a receipt for each claim submitted and explain the reason for not utilizing your Sav-Rx card at the time of purchase
  • Submit Once submitted, our reimbursement team will review your request and follow-up accordingly

    Direct Reimbursement Request

    To request direct reimbursement for a claim, please fill out the form below. Be sure to attach images of receipts for each claim

    Cardholder Info

    Patient Date of Birth

    Patient Relation to Cardholder

    Patient Info

    Patient Date of Birth (if patient is not cardholder)

    Contact Info

    Prescription Info

    Prescriptions submitted

    Out of Pocket Total

    Coupon used at time of processing

    Date of earliest fill

    Date of latest fill (if more than one)

    Please provide the reason for not utilizing the Sav-Rx card/submitting this reimbursement request

    Please upload receipts for all prescriptions along with this form

    Note: any receipts submitted to Sav-Rx for reimbursement must include the following:

    • Patient Name

    • Date of Service

    • Drug Name

    • Drug NDC

    • Prescription Number

    • Quantity Dispensed

    • Amount paid

    I have read and accept the terms below

    Thank you for your response.
    We will contact you soon.

    Get ready to flip the script in your best interest!

    Sav-Rx Logo

    Benefits Questions: 402-753-2800
    Refill Information: 402-753-2850
    Helpdesk for Pharmacies: 402-753-2830
    Medicare Retiree Wrap: 402-753-2869


    Prescription Fax: (402) 753-2890
    Prior Auth Fax: (888) 810-1394


    Sav-Rx Prescription Services
    224 North Park Avenue
    Fremont, NE 68025